- Ergebnisse Alternative Halbfinale 1
- Publikum:
- Iniucundi 236
- The Mitch Buchannons 185
- Breaking Distance 141
- Crash Down 82
- Sprengkopf 75
- Black Mirror 54
- Medial 52
- The Chief 45
- Jury:
- The Mitch Buchannons 88%
- Crash Down 87%
- Breaking Distance 82%
- Sprengkopf 79%
- Iniucundi 78%
- Black Mirror 72%
- The Chief 70%
- Medial 64%
- Im Finale sind: Iniucundi, The Mitch Buchannons, Crash Down und Breaking Distance.
- Vielen Dank an Alle!